

Coilecticn of Soil Samples for Strontium-90 Assay(43)

Lyle T. Alexander

Chief, Soil Survey Laboratory

Plant Industry Station
Beltsville, Maryland

The sampling procedure described here is designed to get samples

that will measure the total amount of strontium-90 that has fallen out in
& given, area »

Tt will not evaluate the unusual case where excessive

accumulations occur in low spots, at the foot of slopes, or in flooded
aTeas o
The site should be nearly level with moderate to good

There should be little or no runoff during heavy rains and

no overwash at any time.

Such sites are frequently found on smooth ridge

erests, level farm lend and in well kept lawns and grounds around
institutional buildings.

The site should not be near enough to buildings

or trees to be sheltered during blowing rains.
Vegetation and Animal Activity
Amounts of rission products reaching the ground are undoubtedly
influenced by vegetative cover.

Bare ground, an alfaifa field and a

bamboo grove do not intercept equal emounts of fallout.

It is thought

that a grass isi or pasture makes ea good vegetative cover for sampling

The graze aiso helps prevent loss by runoff of water.


grassed areas usunlly have better permeability than corresponding sreas

See als. 212.

“%.., Eu, Haréy, E.P., and Follister, Hel.,

Proce Ini'

co. on the Ecol. of Radtoisotopes, Univ. of

Radiode: opss L2 Soil with Particular Emphasis on Strontiun-90,
Minness 4, Coop 13-23, 1959.

DT isAiden eae


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