
which might cause genetic effects, have averaged between one
snd five thousandths of one roentgen per year in the United
tates during the last three or four years. This figure should be compared with a normal dosage of 150 chousandths of one roentgen per year from cosmic rays and natural radion
active materials in the environment.
In other words, the
external fallout radiation has been from 0.7 percent "to about
three percent of the natural radiation exposure.

As another example, in certain countries of the
vorld a brick house might. easily have enough natural radio~
active material in the walls to Bive up to “1,0 thousandths
of a roentgen more exposure per year than a wooden house
and a concrete block house gives about 100 thousandths of.

a roentgen more annually.
These dosages range between 8 and
100 times the dosage due to test fallout.
Obviously, the genetic effect of fallout radiation

must be very small compared with the genetic effect of
natural radiation.


As you pointed out in your statement, vadicrctiv~

ity from tests which already Lave tean held is ‘present in wne
stretosphnere, from which it will descend for years to core.
The radioactivity of this material constantly is decreasing
through normal radicactive
deca“Ys The tiny radioactive
pavticles fall so slowly fron the stratospnere that the
continuiog Fallout in the United States: gust about compensates
for the radioactive decay of the rediostiontiun already deposited. Therefore, the present level of rediostrontivum in
the soil is about as inuch as we shall ever have from tests
already fired.

Continued testing would not increase radicactivity
on a stiaight acditive basis, since an equilibrium would be

established votvecn the added radisoactivity end radicactive
If tests were to comtinve until 1663 at the rate of

“.e past five ycars, levels ja the United States “ould be exX-

yected to reach ebuut four tines their present values.

Levels abeut six tines the preccnt ones vould be reached by
the year 2011 if testing were to continue for that leng a




Select target paragraph3