the most recent information.
Immediately after reading your
statement, I cent you a’ copy of a speech which I gave re-

cently regarding what we knew from scientific studies on fall-

out radiation end its effects.
I am enclosing with this
letter a copy of a paper which I am presenting on April 26
before the American Physical Society.
I hope these docunents
will be of use to you. They demonstrate that an intensive

eifort has been made to calculate on theoretical grounds,

end to determine from sample collcctions, the actual levels
of radioactivity in the soil, in water, in food products,
and in human bodies as a result of weapons tests.
If you have gained the impression that United States

ffi cial statements do- not take into account the possivie it

ment that you have - ‘i hasten to assure you that this is not
. case. Government statements have dealt extensively with

this iatter.
It has likewise been considered at length ina
revoxt prepared by scores of eminent scientists for the

ational Rec deny of Sciences, and in England by the British

L Research Council, both reports appearing in June of

Particularly since the summer of 1953, the £tomic
sy Commission hes conducted an intensive study of world-

wide fallout which has revealed iicst of the information now
available on this subject. These studies have include
analysis of soil, plants, foods and other materials from

many parts of the vorld.

The United

States Government hea

rurnisned this information without reserve to the United
nations Scientific Committee on Atomic Radiation, which was
established at the recornendation of the United States and

“nich nas studied cata provided by other countries.

Altheugh tnere are some differences in the findings

of schentists in this ccuntry and abroed, there is general

Aeresicat ppon the é@¢oproxitrate waynitude of the fallout and
the vate at which it is descending fro:a the stratosphere.
Perhaps there is less a4zgreencnt ebout the magnitude of the
vuysiolozical effects which can be expected to resvlt from

Tallent cadiztion. Neverthetess, it is very generally ézgreed,
acong those who have studied the quistion, that the redistion
sipesuves fron fallout é@re very vouch svraller than those which


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