May 23, 1977

Dear Mr. Secretary:

Last year, at this Department's suggestion, a Committee of Inter-

agency Territorial Assistance was chartered for the purpose of
providing policy dissemination and coordination of federal assistance
and services to the territories for which the Department of the
Interior has primary responsibility.
The areas of concern are

American Samoa, Guam, the U. S. Virgin Islands and the Trust
Territory of the Pacific Islands.

Although Interior's Cammittee on Interagency Territorial Assistance
is relatively new, I firmly believe that it should be continued.

Clearly, since there are so many interrelated federal programs
applicable to the territories, it is essential that every effort
be made to share policy and coordinate programs in order to avoid

duplication of effort.

This is a particularly sensitive time with respect to the territories. The Northern Marianas is in the process of political
transition leading to Commonwealth Status, and will become available for more federal programs in accordance with the Covenant.
The political future of the remainder of the Trust Territory is
uncertain, but it is likely that there will be a reduction and
eventual termination of federal programs there. American Samoa
recently decided by referendum to elect its own governor and will

be moving toward greater self-government.

Therefore, I am requesting that your personal representative participate in the Washington Interagency Committee for Territorial

Assistance, which will serve as a focal point for policy matters

relating to the territories, and which I hope will achieve the
desired coordination of federal involvement.


Similarily, since there are federal agencies in the San Francisco
area that have close contact with the Pacific territories relative
to program implementation and technical assistance, I am suggesting
that a Regional Committee for Territorial Assistance be established
in the San Francisco area (Region 9) which would parallel the

Select target paragraph3