Though implicit.dn the background information’for all media
# (Tab:“BMof the “enclosed) -it' is not directly:stated that”“the
- FCDA is. to be the issuing ‘point.‘for the film and:‘stills and
_gound track. This is because the film has been:“adapted:‘for.
- : the.Purpose of stimulating‘citizen. participation in’ civil .ae f

7daptation in
in the late summer of 1963 through excerpting

, and.downgrading the resultant version of the filn toSECRET:

to. State and territorial civil defense directors“given:emerge C}
clearances for this ‘purpose. .This was reqnested, by: the. FCDA":
and Spproved by the President.

,Ppose.of‘showing the film-to-the White House Conference: of Mayor

syin ‘December, 1953.

Subsequently the Chairman of the ‘Congressional

‘show this OUO version to all. members of Congress. -This:‘was
- granted, and the film shown to: more than 300 Representatives


“plas, a kinescope of appropriate portions of the President!

» December 8 address to the UNGA and adding at the end an: appeal”
“an civil defense local organizations. . This adaptation ‘was: also

asked by FCDA. This is the version which is now approved: by’ NSC
, action: on the recommendation of.the OCB for public showing-under:
‘the stipulations noted in the attached OCB paper and an, the:
» earlier portion of thismemorandum.

would not give aid in the ceeoatiens of the agency; but: that’ it.

not, opposing, once the’question of clearance of-classification

‘ras ‘resolved, the showing of the film to the ‘various‘STOUps. for.

<PUrRgess of : expediting civil.defense,

*tg have not proposed to show the unclassified publicly: weleasabl
sion*to the Commissioners and the: General Manager. (who have ‘sa
the showing of the classified
: all™‘too’many'weary times through

andOfficial Use Only versions)’ juntil itwas certain’ thatthe

Executive Branch would authorize.public release. ©“Now that.this
amend the note.ainany,"ey,you think desirable and I.vant
dis ateh.(1

Select target paragraph3