

Subj: Operetion Sandstone. Radiation Injuries - 7/27/48 - Page 2



The first indication of possible overexposure was noted by

-, who reported to the Los Alamos Laboratory Health Division
for examination (sea Exhibits C and D). As noted by Dr. L. Hempelmann
(Exhibit ¥),
received the least serious burns, and early

examination of
injuries led to an erroneous diagnosis ag .
being due to a bruise. This unfortunately resulted in the forward area's
not being advised, before the Zebra Test, of the excessive dosages
poseible in the procedures used at Enivetok.

Development of the film badges of ths personnel involved in
Zebra Test operations disclosed that
received appreciable

doses. The film badges were developed at Enivetok after the men had
elready departed for the Btates, but the information was passed on to

the Laboratory by teletype (see Frhibit F).

The injuries received by
were sufficient so
that mo question was involved in the diepnosis, and eltogether

were hospitalized on 16 May 1948.

public press release was made 17 May (see Exhibit G).


Also on 17 May,

Dr. J. G. Hoffman, a consultant, interviewed thesemen (see Exhibits E,
I, J and K), and on 24 May he submitted reports on dosage estimates and
general observations (see Exhibits L and m).
The injuries appeared to be due only to Beta radiation, and
no sickness was incurred, although the men will be kept in the hospital

until a nev ekin growth is assured.

was released on 28

May end
are still hospitalized
(they are allowed to leave the hospital for exercise periods, but return

for meals and eleeping).

in Exhibit KE.


A medical history of the cassa to date is given



From the medical report, the injuries received by the men
appear to be due only to Beta rediation, and from the estimates made
by Dr. Hoffman, the Beta activities per ghset of filter paper were of
the order of .5 curie or less; with this source strength a dose of 500
rep at a depth of 2 to 3 ma could have been produced in 90 minutes
(estimated time the men wore gloves), provided .1% of the Beta activity
on a aheet vas transferred to the glove. The gloves used in the operations vere destroyed immediately after use and no measures of radioactivity

were rade upon then.


For handling the filter sheets tongs vere provided, and it is
believed that had they been properly used, excess dosages would not have







Lateline I




Select target paragraph3