-2during that time.

Therefore, attempts to reconstruct the probable exposures

during this period must be indirect.

Knapp used the gamma-ray intensity

above a contaminated field as an index of its I??? content @) . while the
St. Louis Group used this and the beta-particle disintegration rate from
fallout collection trays ©),
and the fission yiera®),

I used the observed beta activity in the air

Knapp and the St. Louis Group were concerned

chiefly with exposures in Southern Utah near the Nevada Test Site, because
that was where the highest individual doses were indicated.

My major con-

cern was the North-Central portion of Utah, because it contained so many
more people.

During the 1963 Congressional Fallout Hearings, Dr. Eric Riess of the
St. Louis Group and I both urged that a study be made of the irradiated
Utah children.

This study, supported by the U. S. Public Health Service,

is now in progress.


Originally, the study had 2 objectives:

and (2) estimation of radiation dosage.
well, but the-dose program has lagged.

(1) search for medical effects,

The medical phase is progressing
An unfortunate decision was made to

neglect dosimetry unless significant medical effects could definitely be

In my opinion, this is the most serious defect in an otherwise

excellent study.

Waiting for possible medical effects may forfeit forever

the opportunity to make the best estimates of dose.

Memories fade, records

are destroyed, and these children will soon reach adulthood and scatter
across the nation.

Even if no effects appear, the exposures should be

evaluated as accurately as possible.

If a safe dose exists for 3! in

children, proper study of the 250,000 irradiated Utah infants may provide
the unique chance to establish it.
In this paper I present lower and higher limits for the average doses
received by Utah infants.

I do this for 2 reasons.


I hope that the

uncertainty in these limits will stimulate interest in improving the

Secondly, despite dose uncertainties, the indicated exposures

are sufficient to justify continued study of the Utah children.
Prior to the 1963 Fallout Hearings, I calculated the number of radiationinduced cancers predicted for the total population of 250,000 Utah children

exposed to fallout [23+ as infants.

I have never before published these

Select target paragraph3