
R. C. Pendleton, C. W. Mays, R. D. Lloyd, and A. L. Brooks; Differential

accumulation of I’3! from local fallout in people and milk, Health Physics
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G. D. €. Thompson et al.; Utah's experience with radioactive milk, a joint
report by the Utah State Dept. of Health and the Salt Lake City Dept. of

Health, 17 pages (October 1962).


Congressional Fallout Hearings
ing Office:

(20-27 August 1963) U. S. Government Print-

see pp. 915-1032 for the report of Harold Knapp; pp. 601-672

and 1113-1123 for the testimony of Eric Reiss and the St. Louis Committee
on Nuclear Information; pp. 536-563 and 1111-1112 for the testimony of
Charles W. Mays.


1959 Congressional Fallout Hearings; see pages 191 and 2008.

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gland with particular reference to the induction of thyroid neoplasm: a
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19, 339-893 (1956).


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I. Doniach; Effects including carcinogenesis of I'*? and x-rays on the
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a review, Health Physics Journal 9:12,

1357-1362 (1963).


P. Starr, H. L. Jaffe, and L. Oettinger; Late results of I??? treatment
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G. E. Sheline, S. Lindsay, K. R. McCormack, and M. Galante; Thyroid

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R. A. Conard and A. Hicking; Medical findings in Marshallese people
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Journal of the American Medical Association

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