


the second largest island,

is located along the

southeastern rim of the Atoll near the main channel opening
into the lagoon (Figure 1).
The island was the logistics

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Radiation levels on Eneu were quite low - among the lowest
measured on the atoll.
This island was the farthest away
from the main testing locations along the north ard northeast
reef and was also favorably located to avoid fallout,
including that carried eastward from shot Bravo.
Measurements were made primarily near the road which
runs along the lagoon side of the island.
This is the area
of most probable past or future native settlement.
readings were recorded every 300 ft. beginning at the aircraft hangar and ending near the north tower {see Figure 6).
TLD's were also placed along the read and ieft for approximately two weeks.
Gamma spectral measurements were made in
front of the aircraft hangar and abcut 1200 ft. north cf
the hangar in a clearing adjacent to the road.
Survey meter
measurements were

also made around the socuth tower,


two transects north of the parking area and near the northern
end, and along the ocean side of the island about 50 ft.

inland from the northern perimeter.

The survey meters indicated radiation levels of from 2


uxr/hr to a maximum of 10 ur/hr.

The highest levels were

found in the northeast, slightly inland.
were near the runway on Cross Transect l.

The lowest levels
For such smali

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center for the atoll during the testing period.
A major
aircraft runway is located on the southern part of the
Several piers are on the lagoon side.
Towers are
located at both ends and near the island center.
are numerous - a large assembly building near the scuth
tower, the terminal building and hangar near a large concrete
parking area adjacent to the runway, and personnel hcusing
along the Village Road and along the northeastern ocean
Only a few parts of the island seemed to have escaped
the construction activity, notably the central regicn in the
northern half, where there were a number of coconut-—bearing
In general, the island was less overgrown with wild
brush than was Bikini.

Select target paragraph3