Pe ety


Soil Sampling

Soil samples were taken from almost all of the islands
of the atoll.
On Bikini Island complete and careful depth
profiles were obtained.
All the samples were returned to
the United States for quantitative gamma-ray spectrometric
analysis by the University of Washington Laboratory of
Radiation Ecology and by HASL.
Selected samples were
analyzed by HASL contractors for °°sr.
Qualitative lithium
drifted germanium Ge(Li) spectrometry of many of the samples
was carried out under contract for HASL tc determine all the
gamma emitting isotopes in the soils.
The results of the gamma spectrometric analyses of the
depth profiles were used to determine the approximate average
relaxation length of the assumed exponential isotopic concentration in the soil®’*.
A relaxation length of 2 cm was
found to be consistent with these data and this number was
used in determining the field spectrometer calibration
Gamma-ray exposure rates for various isotopes were
calculated from the laboratory gamma spectrometric soil
analysis data only for the locations where the soil samples
were taken from a known depth and area.
For these calculations the relaxation length varied from 1 to 3 cm


about 67% of the activity was in the first 1 to 3 ecm of soil).
The results of these calculations turned out to be relatively
poor (see Section III) due to the difficulty in obtaining a
soil sample representative of the area as a whole.
we could not always calculate accurate absolute exposure
rates from the soil data, by making the following plausible
assumptions about the distribution of radioisotopes ina
given soil sample, we were able to obtain useful quantitative
estimates of the relative contributions of each emitter to
the total exposure rate.
The first assumption is that the
percentage of the total gamma-ray activity per gram of soil
due to a given isotope does not vary significantly within an
area of approximately a 30 ft. radius about the soil sampling


The second is that there is no significant fraction-

Select target paragraph3