


- 2 in this matter and this afternoon we are extremely pleased to announce that
‘the United States Government has in fact been able to structure its
research plans and programs in such a way as to permit an early return of the
atoll to the people of Eniwetok.


I em therefore authorized to announce that the United States Government is
prepared to release legally the entire atoll to the trust territory government
at the end of 1973, subject to retention of some minor residual rights.

The trust territory government will in the coming months be working with the
Department of Defense and the people of Eniwetok to settle the details of
transfer and to make the arrangements for the survey, cleanup and rehabilitation
of Eniwetok.

In the meantime the United States is completing some research

and development tests on the atoll which will not involve nuclear detonations
of any kind ox type.

These tests will in no way interfere with an early

commencement of the rehabilitation process and will be completed by the end

‘of 1973. .

Prior to the actual settlement of the atoll, it will be necessary to carry

out the same type of survey, deainup and rehabilitation procedures that have
been utilized for Bikini Atoll.

As in Bikini, the schedule for


resettlement will dcpend on the results of the survey and the pace of the
rehabilitation program.

This schedule will be drawn up as soon as practicable.

Department of Energy

Historian’s Office
As an initial step the United States plans to commence’the survey of the atoll

probably late.this summer.

The cleanup and rehabilitation of the three

Select target paragraph3