Table 3,

References pertinent to the Eniwetok
restoration and cleanup program,

° Military Government Handbook

17 August 1943

OPNAYV 505-1, Marshall Islands,

Office of Naval Operations.

113 p.

Includes basic information on the geography, resources, history, people,
customs, organized groups, government, law and justice, public safety,
public welfare, health and sanitation, education and propaganda, commu-

nications, public utilities, transportation, food production, industry, la-

bor, property and exchange, finance, etc. for use by those concerned

with military government and the control of civil affairs in the Marshall

° Handbook on the Trust Territory of the

Pacific Islands, (A Handbook for Use in


Training and Administration. }
Navy Department, Office of the Chief of
Naval Operations. 311 p.
‘Covers in broad general terms, rather than specific island coverage,
the island setting; transportation and other facilities, population, historical perspectives, political status of the Islands, United States adminiStration, background cf political affairs, economic problems and policies,
resources and their utilization, economic life, finance and commerce,
land and labor, social conditions, religion, hee!th, and education.

© Special Field Study, Ujilafi Atoll,
Jack Tobin (District Anthropologist,

15 April 1955

Marshali Islands District, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands}. 60 p.

This is a field report covering a study of the displaced Enewetak inhabitants on Ujilan, covering the period 2/17/55 to 3/29/55. Includes anthropological and agricultural data.

© Military Geography of the Northern
Marshalls. Prepared under the direction


of the Chief of Engineers, US Army, by

the Intelligence Division, Office of the
Engineer, with personnel of the United

States Geological Survey.
320 p.
Although the primary interest of this study is the military geology of the
Northern Marshalls, topic divisions include general seouraphy, atells,
climate, geology, hydrology, soils, vegetation, marine and animal ecology, military and ensineering considerations such as living conditions
and’ water supply. Well illustrated and diavrammed,


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