

TABLE 3 (continucd)
Preliminary Report: Eniwetok Atoll, Mar-

shall Islands.

Lawrence N, Huber.

sponsor given, }



(No corporate author

March 1969

This report presents an ornithological survey of Eniwetok Atoll.
Survival of Rats at Eniwetok Atoll.
W.B. Jackson, Pacific Science, 23(3):265-275,



Examines the survival of rats at Eniwetok during the nuclear testing period (1948-1958). Traces rat populations and hypothesizes that the roof
rat survived testing while the Polynesian rat was exterminated,
Island Bibliographies Supplement.


Marie-~Helene Sachet and F, Raymond
Fosberg, Pacific Science Board, Na-

tional Academyof Sciences,

427 p.

‘References relate to Micronesian befany; land environment and ecology

. of coral atolls; and vegetation of trepical Pacific islands.
‘- proximately 31 titles specifically Pelatedto Eniwetok.
Preliminary Report: Pre-test Terrestrial
Bicta Survey of Sally-Tilda-Ursula Islets,
Eniwetok Atoll, M.I. Undertaken Jan-Feb,

Contains ap-

25 February 1972

1972 for PLA. CLE,
Dr. William B. Jackson, et al, Environmental Studies Center, Bowling Green University.


The vegetation survey includes a list of plant species and a generalized
vegetation map.
Bird observations include species and estimated populations, nesting, and roosting sites. Rodent studies include reproductive status and autopsy data, as well as behavioral observations,
Eniwetok- Field Trip Report.
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands,
Office of the High Commissioner, Saipan,

Mariana Islands.

17 May 1972

66 p.

This is a combination of three reports of visits by teams including Trust
Territery personnel, representatives from ihe Micronesia Legal Services

Corporation and the Ujelang Municipal Council, several US Government
agencies and contracting firms. Describes the islands visited: Japtan,

Runit, Engebi, Rojoa, Ebsriru, and Eniwetok. A description of facilities
on EDniwetok Island and their co: Cifien is included as the Maintenance
Supervisor's report. A prelinileary auviculivral survey of the District
Agriculturist is included,


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