
cervical lymphadenitis. Most of them were children or young adult
treated, Of almost 200 patients so treated, 67 have been traced
brought back for our personal examination of the thyroid. Twelve @f these
were found to have at least one discrete mass in the thyroid. Onelyear
ago eight had been submitted to surgical removal. of the mass. The
two carcinomas, two Hurthle cell tumors (cne with capsular invasi

Four with follicular adenomas.

Three patients who had been examinéd and

2loration at the time of reporting one year ago. One of these hasibeen
xxplored and carcinoma was found. Of 60 addstional individuals kn
two had lesions of the thyroid; one of these was a carcinoma.


vatients who died did sc within 5 years after the radiation ther

een given. Two patients who have very discrete firm masses, but
yperation, raise considerable concern to us. A final effort will
mce more to induce these patients to submit to surgery. Publicat
this series of cases has been held up in the hope that all of the
ibout which we are concerned can be removed. The finding of 3 c
iome relationship to the development of these lesions.


Maloof, F., Dobyns, B. M., and Vickery, A. L.:
thyroid of the rat.



Endocr 50: 612-638, 1952.

Dobyns, B. M., Vickery, A. L., Maloof, F., and Chapman, E. M.:
Functional and histologic effects of therapeutic doses of radiogctive
iodine on the thyroid of man.


The effects of

doses of radioactive iodine on the function and structure of

J Clin Endocr 13: 548-567, 1953.

Dobyns, B. M., And Didtschenko, I.:

Nuclear changes in thyroi

epithelium following radiation from radioiodine.

J Clin Endocr/2l:

699-720, 1961.


Dobyns, 8B. M.,. Rudd, A. E., and Sanders, M. ..: DNA synthesis jn the
radiated and stinsmlated thyroid. Endocrinc’ sy, 1967 (In Press


Macintyre, M. N. and Dobyns, B. M.: Anomalies in chromosomes of
circulating leukocytes in man following large doses of radioac
iodine. J Clin Endocr 22; 1141-1181, 1962.
Dobyns, B. M., and Robison, Leon R. III:

Deoxyribonucleic acid

associated with nuclear changes in radiated human thyroids.

Endocr, 1967 (Submitted for Publication).


the Calted
Thts report wes prepared as am account of Goverament speneared wort. Neither
Svenes, sor the Commission, nor any persca acting of behalf of the
to tha acceA. Makeo any warranty or representation. exprisesd or implied, with respect
report, or that the use
tacy, completeness, ov wsefalnecs of the information contained in this
oot tefringe
of any taformation. apparatas,

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Sncocmee exy Hebilition with reepect to the use of, or for damages reealting trom

this report.
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