


and how many cells possessed nuclei that were preparing for mitosis.

some instances the rats were also given minute trace doses of 131f to

test the function of the thyroid before they were sacrificed.




autographs: for tritiated thymidine were not prepared until the 1f1r had

completely decayed. Some animals were killed early in the courselof the
experiments to gather additional data on the supramaximal surge of DNA
formation that had been observed in previous experiments two months after

the 131] was given.

Body weights, thyroid weights and thyroid fusction,

as measured by 131r uptake, as well as grcss changes in thyroids,|are all
being determined at the time of sacrifice.

The longest of these experiments hare been in progress for about
years, Intervals thus far selected for sacrifice have been 34 mouths, .
9 months, 1 year and 1% years. They will be sacrificed at 2 year$ end
2% years. It is hoped that the intervals elected for sacrifice
radioautographs at the time when the first signs of the developmest
neoplasms occur. ne ine reprlammebegin to develop. it is anticigated
that clusters of cells which repre sent incipient tumors aene
different proclivity for synthesizing DMA. At the time of the

gress report no gross tumors had appeared in animals that had bee sacrificed. At the end of one year5 sacrificed animals showed some
gqul axi-

ties in the thyroid.


hse were not as good as they

shquld have

been for interveetation of teitsum in nuclear DNA. New radicautogrepl
have just been completed and srenot particular
arly revealirg, probably be—cause the nodular areas are not sufficiently distinct. Tissues oljtainec

at 18 months show 4 examples of more irregularity in each series.

autographs are in preparetion on these tissues.


It is interesting that

the irregularities sre developing in the gland a little more feq

mtly in

the animals given 131r alone than in Lily plus chronic aduinistratlion of

azcithyroid drug. It now seens apparent that there should be a thir
series of animals thet are such younger than either of these two deries

when 131r is given, i.e., weanling rats.
Chromosome Abnomalities in


Leukocytes of Patients

ated with

Several years ago we solicited the assistance of Professor Ne

Macintyre of this University in the study of chromosomal anomalies in

circulating white ceils in a patient treated with large doses of e+I.
In our comprehensive review two years ago, we described our observations

the very high incidence of chromosomal anomalies in a patribnt

whom we had given several very large doses of 13511 end had

died in


great detail. These observations were published several yeats agofas the
first American publication of its kind, In those studies we found] that a

high incidence of anomalies Gk years after the last of a total of +75

millicuries of 1312,

With the very extensive experience in


preparation am interpretation by Dr. Macintyre and his associates ‘it
seemed appropriate to carry these observations futher and look for] anomalies

in individualswho had received doses of 8 to 15 millicuries of 131f


of 8 to 12, sxples of blood during a two week period following a


treatment for hyperthyroidism. In the meantime observations have beer
reported by others who have used one or two observations on each of several
patients rather than a series of cbservations on each patient to prove
unquestionably that a change had taken place and to observe a sequence of
changes, It has been ow policy to make multiple cultures from a §eries


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