13ly radiation. The large bizarre nuclear forms originally fgund and
described atne beginning of this project have received in

The production of the odd nuclear forms. in animel

after only

smell doses of 13511 followed by a stimulus of thiouracil has

Seen re-

ported from this project. The finding of excessively large agounts of DMA
as demonetrated by Feulgen staining end quantitative microspeqtrophoto-

metry in nuclei of thyroid cells of animals wes reviewed in dat

in the

complete review submitted two years ago.

A manuscript entitled "The Acute and Loi.z Term Effects of

Verlous Doses

of Radiofodine on the Thyroid of the Rat as Uemonstrated by

Mijtotic Activity

using Tritiated Thymidine” when submitied to Endocrinol
received some
relatively minor editorial suggestions which, with the Lovee ox time, re
consideration and additional data prospted redesigning the ent
presentation. This was retitled"Desoxyribonucleic Acid (DHA) in he Radtated
and Stimulated Thyroid". It was resubmitted on January 24, 1957. It hes
been accepted and is in press. Copies of this mamiuscript ere

Its contents may be briefly reviewed as follows:

Tritiated thymidine was used in rats to show rediosutogrephicelly
which cells were forming DMA in preparetion for mitosis. Whenian entithyroid drug was added to the drinking water two months after

dose of 1317 was given, there was a much greater rise in the


occurred even though there was no obvious microscopic change

y the cells

of celle forming DNA than when such a stimulus was applied to ron-racdiated
controls. This propensity to over-respond with DNA formation dn stimulation

after the 13ly, but before the stimulus was applied. This res

occurred long after the 13112 was gone, but while the gland as q stole still

had a capacity to enlarge under the antithyroid stimulus.

It had_been learmd from the earlier experiments that aficc Fiving a

dose of 1311 which was insufficient to produce recognizable sicroscor
changes in the thyroid, a latent effect was produced thet

rer] resulted

in large abnormal nuclear forms when the stimulus of thioureciii wus
applied. We also had knowm from earlier experinents that soon #fter an

intermediate (5-20 uc) dose of 131zZ (25 to 35% uptake) had been|given,

the thyroid could be induced to hypertrophy, as does the normaligiand when
an antithyroid
as administered. However, several months later and
long efter ell the
lr had disappeared from the gland, this ) lity of
the gland to hypertrophy was gredually lost. [t seemed in the 1
experiments that it was among those glands which had received lds rr doses

of 1312 and still hed a capacity to enlarge that developed more [o: the

abnormal nuclear forms.


It was theese nuclear forms that had exqessive DMA.

Qn initial iodine deficient diet had been given to induce a gpod uptake


‘this part of the experiment showed how thyroid cells

deficient displayed a high degree of DNA synthesis in preparation
division. When the fodine deficiency was corrected, DNA syntheals


when fodine

for cell

More attention in the revised manuscript was given to} the

observations on DNA synthesis under these conditions of fodine <


Nuclear Changes in Human Radiated Thyroid Tissue
Over the years there have been opportunities to procure by


means, semples of thyroid tissue from patients previously treated with 1511.
Having firmly established the method of Feulgen staining end quenitative

Select target paragraph3