Gas collection "snap sanzlers" will also be used

on these

aircraft to obtain samples of the guses. It is hoped that both cl4 end He?
can be observed from these collections, Rain water samples will also be
anzlyzed for tritiun,


Propagation of Seismic Waves - AFOAT-1 (J. Crocker)

F mote seismic stations opersting in the Atomic Energy
Detecticn lyetem will be used to obtsin duta on long range propagation.

Tne date obtained will be used to supplement experimental work accomplished
at previous onerations.


Transportetion of Airborne Debris - AFOAT-1 (P. Allen)

Theodolizes and weather radar will be used to determine
the height end movement of the visible debris for several houre following
Samplee of air will be collected from a network of stations

in the northern and southern hemiepheree for « number of months following

the operation.

~ 7.6 Detection of Fireball Light at Distances - AFOAT-1 -


(M. Oleson)

It if expected that two planes will be used at remote

positions to carry light-observing equipment,

ground sites at remote positions.

this office.

There will also be four

Exact sites ere not yet availeble to

For further details of Program 7, see Ltr, 18 Mar 52, Symbol

LFOAT-1/OPNS, Major A. V. Arrowsmith, Asst Exec, AFOAT-1, to GG, Air R+D

Command, subj:


"AFOAT-1 Project Proposals for Operation Ivy".


Integral Thermal Radiation - NRL (H. Stewart)

Totel thermal radiation will be opserved by ballistic
thermocou;.les from Perry and Biijiri.
Intecrating black balls will be
placed on Biijiri, Bogellua, Aitsu, Bokon, Kirinian, Engebl, between

Engebi ard Bogon, and on Bogon, es close measurements of the game quantity.
The stations for the black balls will be identical to those used on Jangle.

The thermocouples will be operated from Station 63 on Biijiri and from the
photo tower on Parry.


Thermal Intensity as a Function of Time - NRL (BH. Stewart)
This quantity will be measured by high-speed bolometers at

Station 6B on Biijiri and Station 6B on Engebi.
resolving time of approximately 25 usec.

These instruments have a






Select target paragraph3