

into a shielded position, the third of which drops at approximately 60 sec
into a shielded positior. The differencee between these three measurements

will give information or the early dose as compared to the late and also on
the total fall-out in close-in regions.
The film dreppineg meckenienms are not yct procured because
different types of mechunis=as ars being tried on the Snupver operation.
Similarly, the amoun* of shieldi:g required has not yet becn set and is
again aweiting informetion to be gseined et Snapper.


5.2 Gamma Intensity aa a Function of Time - LASL-J-13 (J. Malik)
Function of time measurements will be made at four positions,

as followa:

.t Cochiti, San Il de Fonso, Bogombogo, and Puchi, measure-_

ments from 1 msec to 30 sec covering 6 decades of signal.
At Ruchi, meesursments from
approximately & decades
lenned thet

the time

measurements with 5 ..8ec resoiution up to

nugec to 20 ysec covering
measurement will alse obtain
sec, covering asain

, and


The installation at Ruchi will require a emall blockhouse,
the requirements for wlich have been turned in to Campbell. The installations on the other ‘alunds will use <he same type station es used at Buster,
i.e., a self-conteined unit.


Fall-out Gamma Intensity - LASL-J-13 (J. Melik)

For fall-out measurements, self-recording radiation monitors
are proposed for the islinds of Rigili, Perry, Biijiri, Engebi, and Runit,
with telemetering monitors for Bogon and =ngebi. These cre to be ionization
chumbers driving ultimately an Esteriine--sngus recorder or equivalent. Similar monitors are proposed for approximately ten other atolls in the neighborhood.

It ig proposed thet theee fall-out measuring inetrunents
be tried out on Snapper.


Fall-out eat Intermediate Distances, Particle Collection

end anelysis

No details of this program are available to this office at


La N4,a/b

Select target paragraph3