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Since the units for dose ofexternal radiation

“at try to present doses associated with the


“reflects the deliberauions, if not the methods, of caiculaung absorbed dose ”

(125, p. 108} of NERD cut on the whole provides a somewhat more chassn |
Foirsat. Also. e geod sarees of the “classical” appioacn ca oe found he tis

venris (.e., Tdas and reins). Since the absorbes

chapier by Harper (13>. andthe book oy Hendee (133).

. sees of absorption, distribution, retentions

spanization from orcan systems te wos
bo the toxicology of radionuclides is dev oted
wioucoxinctics. Space prevems aay serions
wture here, Also in the practice ef nuciear
wtien reasonable limits the radiation dose to
te prevent undue exposure in diagnostic
ss compttation devised large: by Marinelli,
siaany applied since the iate i9sus, has been
uty (E25), Rather elaborate ecguations have
Ie, point sources, surface and volumesources,
‘126) a simpler, more genera! treatment was
-tce of nuclear medicine. To accomplish this a
-atttna! Radiation Dose Committee’ (MIRD)

Hundreds of narers have addresssd dorimetriz problem. of a particula
isotope in a particular ss sien. These cannot be reviewed here except in connection with dose-response relat ionships as a general probiem. OFspecial intcrest,
however, is @ odvies cv parters from the New York University fasutute of Environmental Medicine by Wrenn and colleagees (134-136), on the radiation cose
from nuclides that ceeay by electron capture or internal conversion. It is pointed
out that frequently Auger electron emissior, which can occur in such cases, 1s
“more probable thar +-ray emission for elements of biolog:cal interest” (134,
p. ij. The range of ar Auger eiectron is consider: biy Shortes nan the mean iree
rath of the equivalent \-ray. Therefore conventional dosage catculations my be
quite inaccurate if the biclogical object of importance is srnal] compared to the
mean free path of the anticipated x-ray. If specific localization of an Aurer
electron emitter occurs in sub-cellular structures, very localized irradiation may
take place. Conventional dosimetric calculations assuming uniform distrioution

‘¢ the Journal of Nuclear Medicine (127-130)
-rmutiee and its sponsors. They present as a
” ‘tnevific absorbed fraction” (= d/m where
..8 mm} which had been introduced earlier for

Wrenn (134) showed that the difference in dose to the erythrocyte with Fe-55
is a factor of 10 higher than to the rest of blood because of these phenomena.
and with some iron-containing complexes such as ferritin which bind closely to
intra-cellular structures. the difference between local dose and a conventionally

2 vaiiphlets give the schema, tables of absorbed

calculated one may ve even greater. Feige et al (137) and Gillespie et al (138)

‘ine MIRD schema is to provide a single

Dese-effect retutionships—Understanding and formulating the reiationship
of dose to effect is especially important ir, considering the eifects of radionuclides
at this time because of the strong current emphasis on the effects of verv low

would miss this almost entirely.

st Nuclear Medicine. Several pamphlets have

have explored the physical dosimetry in thyroid for '?°J, another Auger electron

cratsa, and other needed information. Future
vabstances of interest in nuclear medicine,
set any Source of activity to any target for ail
“ate peneral anolicability as long as relevant


! 1 time (126). This jatter is a not inconsideriat te the eatent that aksorbed fraction

doses. Acute effects at high doses of both external radiation and internal emitters
generally follow the sigmoid relationship familiar in chemical toxicology. But

nicters ofinterest for predicting biological
set &' ve Giem directly, the new plan has advan-

genetic effects of radiation are characteristically linearly related to dose with no
apparent threshold [with a recent exception—female mice (139)} and the same

Peatan obvious simplification but it

zenesis. This has been termed the “linear no-threshold raodel.” The 1972 parer

relationship is postulated to hold for some somatic effects including carcino-

¢ Manne, Quimby & Hine methods, the

of Evans, Keane & Shanahan (37) presents a useful history of this corcept as
applied to radiaron protection, where it was adopted primarily because it was

‘uitely the absorbed doses calculated by
Whe diferent from those caleulated

conservative (114, 140). That i gives an upper limit to risk is evident to the

extent that cpe ¢ ue relationship his teow 4a linear extre polation from do-es for
wich duta are extant.
ivans et al nave taxen the view that the region of no-effect descr-bec in the

SRD committee iy che compilation
Jigs admuusiered as lsbelied pbarrea“ssech as chemical er) rad ochemica!

secugn Of Carcinogenesis above is tuntamount to a “prayceal thresheta’’ in
that the incidence is so low within the life span of the species concerned as to be
negligible. Others (141-145) do not accept this view and miainiain in essence

wb eeidee Cose.
waisted a Lmely and complete chapter on
- ‘aad tae researcher and the physician. Ii

hh ee al

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