Dr. W.




December 14,


that the bio-assay program is really environmental surveillance.
We have said that we will use it to confirm that our predictions our assurances to the people - were sound. This is the way we
have explained urine sampling and whole body counting. And we
have said that long before the concentrations of radionuclides in
people would reach levels which would be significant to health we
would detect the uptake and be able to take protective or preventive action.

Now, rightly or wrongly, the people have been told that they are
taking up plutonium, and one of ERDA's own doctors has said that
fhe does not know whether the concentrations represent a health
hazard. And where is the protective or preventive action? (Please
rememberthat in my "devil's advocacy! I am talking mostly about
perceptions. }

When I alluded very briefly to the concern I have expressed here
and said that I am troubled about the Bikinians' perception of the
bio-assay program, Bob Conard said "would you have us stop it?"
and 1 responded rather hastily "I don't know, Bob''. But I do know.
I would not stop it, but I would be sure that it is what we say it is:
an effort to confirm that our understanding of the environmental
setting is good and that our recommendations are sound. If much
of our visible effort to characterize and understand that environmental setting uses man as the indicator, I think we deserve and
will receive criticism. Ina not too far-fetched analogy, can you
imagine FDA leaving Red Dye #1 on the market for a period of years
while studying a representative sample of the consuming population?
And while we are talking about perceptions,

did you knowthat

American cigarettes are available throughout the Marshalls without
the Surgeon General's warning?

I cannot design the program that J think is urgently needed at Bikini,
but my approach would be just the one that Jim Liverman suggested
in a rhetorical question last Wednesday morning:

''Have we ever

called together all of the people who are involved in this problem and
tried to find out what we know,


what we don't know,

and what is worth

(I take liberties with his words, but the sense is there).

Select target paragraph3