



maintaining a continuing curveillance ol the residual radioactivity, jna

~ cluding that which is in the environment and that which is ‘collected and
placed on land, in craters and in the lagoon.

The guidelines for

radiological cleanup recommended by AEC/ERDA are based on Federal
standards, and are designed to provide the lowest practicable radiation
dose to the future inhabitants of Enewetak Atoll.

Accordingly, it is the purpose of the Defense Nuclear Agency, hereinafter
referred to as "DNA," as represented by the Deputy Director for Operations
and Administration, DNA, and the Energy Research and Development
Administration, hereinafter referred to as “ERDA," as represented by

the Assistant Administrator for Environment and Safety, to enter into
this agreement to define the technical support ERDA is to provide DNA
and likewise to define the support DNA is to provide ERDA and its con‘tractors during the time DNAis actively engaged in cleanup operations

,at Enewetak Atoll.


The determination as to when the DOD cleanup activities

have been successfully completed will be a joint DNA/ERDA decision.


etermination has been made that the DNA cleanup phase is complete or
upon transfer of the base support activity to another agency, whichever
comes first, DNA support responsibilities on Enewetak will terminate and
continued support for ERDA and DNA activities must.- then be obtained from
other SOUTCCS,

Thus, the long-term radiological surveillance and necessary

actions by both agencies deriving therefrom must, be the subject of subSequent aprecnicnts,

The obligations assumed by either party under the terms of this agreement
are contingent upon the funding of the proposed clesnup project by the

det men


If no funds are made available or funds should cease to be

Select target paragraph3