Trip report =2=

e): Bikini Atoll: Sick call.
Environmental Sampling.
Collection of Urine for Pu analysis,
Facking of equipment; transfer to airplane; transfer resposibility
for trip from Knudsen to Weimer.


a): from BNL; Medical Dept.
K. Knudsen, W. Scott, P Heotis, L. Knudsen
b): From BNL; Health Physisc and Safety Dept:
N. Greenhouse; J. Naidu

ec): From University of Washington:
Vv. Nelson

a): From TT, Marshall Islands District Health Dept.:
I. Kisino, S. Shoniber, K. Hebert,


fers :

Loading started Mon. 9/15. The medival trailer is in poor condition;


a separate memo to PASO and BNL on this subject will be submitted,
Participants from Majuro arrived on 9/16 and were accomodated in
Kwaj Lodge.

Participants from Mainland USA arrived on 9/17.
9/17, 1430 hrs: Ship departed for Ebeye to load the last items
9/17, 1630 hrs: Departed Ebeye. Sunny weather, light wind from SW.

9/18, 2000 hrs: Docked at Wotje after an unusually fast passage, aided
by the prevailing winds,

9/19, 1700 hrs: Departed Wotje for Ailuk.


Select target paragraph3