Exposure to External and Internal Radiation



Project Title:


Medical Studies of Marshall Islanders and Study of Radiation
Effects on Intracellular Mechanisms

Technical Progress in FY 1973:



normal and the prognosis in both cases is excellent.

A total of 23 exposed Rongelap people have developed thyroid abnormalities


since 1963. When the development of thyroid abnormalities was first observed,
it became apparent that growth retardation noted in some of the children was
related to thyroid hormone deficiency from injury to that gland. The Rongelap


exposed population were then placed on thyroid hormone treatment.

It appears

that this treatment has been beneficial with regard to improvement in growth
in some of the children,

though it is impossible to evaluate what prophylactic

effect this treatment may have on the incidence of further nodularity or
carcinoma of the gland.


During the year the three previously reported cases of thyroid malignancy

among the Rongelap people were brought to Tripler Army Hospital in Hawaii for
One case showed no positive findings and was returned home.

other two cases showed questionable areas with the thyroid scan.

They were

brought to the United States for surgical exploration; no extension of the
malignancy was found.



Since August 1972, Dr. Knud Knudsen from this laboratory, has been




stationed in the Marshall Islands.
He is carrying out extensive health
care services for the Rongelap and Utirik peoples as well as checking on the

thyroid treatment program.
This service is appreciated by the Marshallese
and is of great value in our assessment of the medical status of the people.

Without a competent biochemist to replace Dr. Oh, the anticipated progress
on studies of mitogenic molecular subunits has been curtailed.

Expected Results in FY 1974:

The September survey included two medical observers from Japan, one from
England and one from the Public Health Service,
Their reports have been

presented to the Congress of Micronesia.
It is believed the reports are
favorable and should dispel the false accusations made by the Congressmen about
the surveys,

In view of the seriousness of the leukemia and thyroid develop-

ments in the Marshallese, it is anticipated that the annual examinations will
continue with hematological examinations every six months.
in the lymphocytic studies several objectives will be pursued during the

comii: year if funds are available.

Methods for electron microscopic

function of time will be perfected.

The mechanism of action of the mitogens

autoradiographic localization of the site of action of labeled mitogens as a
will be investigated by a variety of studies:
(1) interaction, (complexing)
of the mitogens with warious cellular elements; (2) correlation of the sites
of action ofthe mitogen with changes in RNA, DNA and protein synthesis by

(See Continuation Sheet)

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