malignancy noted thuS far in the Kongeiap group,

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Utirik also had a malignant thyroid tumor removed, which is not believed to
be due to radiation exposure,
Of the total of 19 children who were under ten years of age at exposure,
15 have been operated upon for thyroid nodules, and two more have a hypothyroid condition,

The remaining two are normal to date,

The five Marshall Islanders arrived at Brookhaven National Laboratory on
August 26, where they were carefully and thoroughly examined, including
whole body counts which were normal,

In addition to Dr. Brown Dobyns, who per-

formed the surgery, other consultants included Dr, Shields Warren and Dr,
William A, Meissner, both with the Cancer Research Hospital, New England

Deaconess Hospital, Boston; Dr, J,+E, Rall and Dr, Jacob Robbins, both with
the National Institutes of Health; and Dr. Bentley Colcock, Leahy Clinic,

Accompanying the five patients to this country was Dr, Ezra Riklon,
practitioner from the Marshall Islands which are under the jurisdiction of the
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands,

Dr, Riklon participated in the

examinations and consultations and was present in the operating room for all
operations, Upon return to the Marshall Islands he will supervise the
thyroid hormone treatment of all people who were exposed,

It is hoped that

the thyroid hormone treatment will not only prevent the development of further malignancies, but also in the children help overcome the growth retardation,

Dr. Conard noted that some enhancement of growth has taken place

Since the treatment was started in 1965,

Generally, the exposed population is in good health and good spirits,

_. Over the years a number of deaths have occurred, but none were attributed to
the fallout or its effects,

Dr, Conard noted that the 1969. examination was the 15th post-exposure




year in which the Atomic Energy Commission's Division of Biology and Medicine

Select target paragraph3