Eberline Instrument Company (KIC) - The analytical work at EIC was

begun on April 2, 1973.

18 May 1973
Samples received - soils
Pu data reported


1 June 1973


Sr data reported



15 June 1973







University of Washington, Seattle (UW) A meeting was held on Wednesday, June 13, at Seattle to discuss
techniques for determination of Pu, Sr, and Fe in fish samples.
Bill Myers and Terry Hawkins from MCL, Hugh Wilson from LLL, and
Bill Schell, Vic Nelson, and Dr. A. Nevissi of UW were participants.
Chemical procedures and tracer calibration were major points in the
UW will analyze a total of 114 marine samples for Pu,

90gr, and 2°Fe.

In addition, they will analyze the 28 filter media

(AL 203) samples fran the UW large volume water samplers (LVWs).

Ashing has been canpleted on 101 samples.

The remaining 13 plus

24 IVWS samples will arrive at UW ~ 6/22/73.

Data on the 12 cali-

bration samples are being processed and most of it should be received

at LLL within the next 10 days.

A progress report will be issued every two weeks.


RWH smb

bvMarelei Mf

Dr. Richard W. Hoff
Deputy Division Leader
Radiochemistry Division

Select target paragraph3