San Branciso Lranniner

2 Sec. fi,

PUBLIC Seavica



The Pacific Tests
THE NUCLEAR weaponstests in the Pacific
this summer, which the Russians are trying
so hard to stop, may produce the most powerful
deterrents to future war the world has eve-



They would be the exclusive weapons of the
free world.
This is the reason why the Russians have
mustered the full strength of international Communism against the forthcoming American

They know the tests may prove the final and

vast capacities of remarkable and fantastic
nuclear weapons, hitherto unheard of and still
entirely unknown to the Communist powers.
They believe, and with the greatest possible
weight of reason, that Americar: scientists have

developed and perhaps perfected an unprecedented range of nuclear weapons that will make
the cagts of aggressive war proiubitive, that will

deprive future aggressors of afl prospects of
They know the Pacific tests may raise
invincible safeguards against wer, and may

consolidate the universal hopes of peace and

They know the difference between holding
and not holding these vital tests is the important
difference between the Communists having the
top hand in the struggle for world domination
and not havingit.
They are clamoring for calling off the tests,
because they recognize that this may be the

point beyond which they cannot go and will not

dare to go in their aspirations to put the whole
world under the Communist heel.
The Pacific nuclear testing grounds this
gumimer may give us a detertent to war and a |
power for defense so tremendous that we will be

closer to permanent peace than we have ever
been since the menace of Communism cast its |
evil shadows over the face of the earth.

The Russians are striving desperately to
stop them, in their own unholy interest.

We will let chem he atonved. a¢ our own |

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