Ke D. Nichols


July 12, 195)

property for the general good. I suggested to Mr. Sears further
the statement that the operation of a proving ground is an integral with the operation of a military system for strategic and
security purposes, and that such activities were not in contra-

diction to the requirement for the maintenance of health and
safety of the people in the preservation of the natural resources.
These were two aspects of the same general problem and both had
to be observed.
A motion picture film showing the relocation of the Utirik people

and the move of the Rongelap inhabitants to their tenporary

quarters at Bjit Island in the Majuro Atoll will be show to the
Committee after the questions have been fatished. This fila is

a very effective testimony to the present good health of the
Rongelap people and the fine housing which Holmes & Narver have
built in a beautiful tropical setting.

A second petition referring to thermo-nuclear experiments has
apparently been introduced by other Delegations including that
of the UK.

While I have not seen the text of this petition, it

is apparently acceptable to the U. 5. Delegation, previded minor
changes in wording are made. The Committee on Petitions having bem

unable to complete its consideration of the Marshall Islands

petition, adjourned until Monday, July 12. The draft resolution
will te considered only after the detailed questions on the Marshall
IsLands' petition have been complcted.
ec: A. Tarmaro, Asst. GM for Res & ID

cc: John Hall, special lrojects
cc: Roy i. Snapp, Secretariat,

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