to accomplish the clean-up using personnel and equipment paid
for out of their respective budgets.
It is estimated that

this work will cost the services approximately $60 million.
Another $12.4 million was appropriated for rehabilitation.

Additionally, completion of necessary radiological work

will cost the Department of Energy at least $5.2 million
which will come outof its budget.
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When it passed “the legislation for the clean-up of
Enewetak, Congress expressed a clear intention that its

appropriation constituted the total commitment of the

United States. for this purpose.

Thus, the-Act provided:

"That none of the funds appropriated

under this

[Military Construction,


Agencies] paragraph may be: expended for the

soc Cleanup.ofEnewetak ‘Atoll until such time
aS the. Secretary of Defense receives certification from appropriate administering
authorities of the Trust Territory of the
Pacific Islands that an agreement has been
reached with the owners of the land of
Enewetak Atoll or their duly constituted


representatives that this appropriation

-Shall constitute the total commitment of
the Government of the United States for
the cleanup of Enewetak Atoll...”

On September 16,

1976, the Trust Government and representatives

of the Enewetak people entered into an agreement recognizing

that the appropriation made under Public Law No. 94-367 constituted the total commitment of the United States Government
for the clean-up of the atoll.
A copy of this agreement is
attached at Tab D.
To summaxi.ze, the people lost the use of the land on
-Enewetak Atoll from 1947 to the present.
In compensation
for this loss of use, the people already have been paid .

monetary compensation of $1,195,000, and given use,
occupancy and full'428.8 acres of substitute
land on Ujelang Atoll which has been valued by the

‘ Department of the Interior at $425,000.
Finally, the
United States has undertaken a comprehensive clean-up

and rehabilitation program that: will cost -more than
$96 million when completed.

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