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unit operating from the tent camp on Eneu Island that was constructed
during cleanup operations. There was no camp on Bikini Island and
any work done there was performed by workers brought by boat each
day from Eneu Island. The work crew of more than-213Bikinians who
are participating in the agricultural rehabilitation project rotates
every three months from Kili Island, the present home of the Bikini
people. Because of the limited facilities on Eneu Island, workers
were not allowed to bring their families to Bikini Atoll even for
a three-month period. Unless this restriction is removed, the
first families may not return until 1972 or later. Those working
in the Atoll are experiencing problems with cmununications, water
transportation and equipment maintenance.
Laboratory analysis of air filter samples collected over a twoweek period on Eneu and Bikini has been completed. Table 1
presents data for five stations on Bikini and four on Eneu. The
values listed were obtained by analyzing one half of the filter
for each day canposited by station over the total sampling period.
The remaining half of these daily air filter samples is on file
for possible future use. For comparison the Maximum Permissible
Concentrations, MPCts, are included in the Table.
Details of the location of the air samplers will be presented in
a later report. The only unique aspect of sampler location is
for Station 1 on Bikini wherein this sampler was exposed to dust
from the jeep driven by the survey team members along the lagoon
Table 2 presents the average valu’efor Plutonium-239 in air at
Station 1 on Bikini for each of foqrteen consecutive days. The
average value in the U.S. in 1968 is shown for comparison.
It was expected that results for ahalysis of soil samples would
be available in late September or early October. It now appears
these results will not be available until the latter part of
November at which time a more complete report of the 1970 Bikini
survey can be prepared. Included will be data on air, water, soil,
aq;regate, algae, rats, goat fish, lobster, coconut crab, exposure
rates inside and outside bunkers and inside and outside a cistern
built with local sand and aggregate in 1969, the shielding =periment, Bravo crater muck, and on urine ssmples for one Trust
Territory resident and one team member.


Select target paragraph3