Dr. A. C. Graves


April 12, 1954

Z am hopeful, therefore, that we can get some unevaporated specisens which should

permit us to get a reasonable comparison between the dose to the Japanese and that

to our frisnds now at Kwaj.

John Bugher is quite disturbed about the small amount

of information which bas reached him concerning the nature of the fallout from #2.

Before the end of this week we should have for you a recommendation as to what
we feel should constitute the type of investigation to be carried out to decide
whether or when our patients can be sent home. We are goinr to try to make this
recommendation specific and practical with the idea of answering that ono question,
There is also, however, an opportunity here for a most interesting stutly along
more academic lines to be carried out on a long-term basis,
You should, in the very near future, get a TWX giving an outline of our findings
in the urine specimens s0 fer, It would be my hops that a copy could be relaysd
to Cronkite with the least delay possible. Would you have the kindness to remind Joe Valles that I left behind a couple of classified documents in his file
safe. I would be happy if these could return along with the files and I can get
them when they arrive,

There is absolutely no hurry about them.

fortable trip home and everything here seems reasonably eerense.

I had a com

Snot #2 boosted

the Los Alamos background to approximately five tines its customary value.

Please let us know if there are things we can do for you here,
Very sincerely yours,
dat, ol, a

Health Division Leader


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