




Readings were spotty on Parry due to the fact that the

fell~out asourred with rain and high sarface winds.

Spottinessa increased after fall-out sessed owing to
websequent rain washings.

The ships Ainsworth, Curtiss and Mnudeon ran into fall-~
gut traveling from Bikini to Eniwetok. ‘the Curtiss
selled with ship buttered up and aativated washdown

equipment every 15 minutes all during aight aa it stood
off Farry Island. By neon, Sunday, lecal time (spproximately 20 hours after the abot) background wae reduced to about 5 mr.


ain was frequent during the first night. The main
affect wan te keep deposition rate even with decay eo

that readings held even for asproxvimstely 6 to 8 hours

tefore beginning to drop.

fre teletypes fren which the above information wae extracted were

distributed separately to each Comulscioner, te Los Alemea Celentific
labtoratery and tdversore, to Commender, Joint Sask Foree SEVEN and
to éresd Forees Epecial “eapons froject wren received. J am requesting that the Albuquerque Cperations Office keep us informedef
the results from any seraping or other decontaninating offert.

Alfred D. Starbird
Brigadier Ceneral, USA
Directer cf Military Application



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