‘.¢ Some years ago, the &
people had adult-onset


coctors dascoverea tnau B ieewse we


and said that 25% of


ate oe

‘1e people had the


a) Why haven't the ERUA co etors given medicine to tne teople who have the


Diabinase) ?
(reddit cire:
Trust Terrdtory Cov'te (in Majuro) for
Dro Konrad Kotrady had sked
ond they refused to give hin any for the
the medicine (Diab
disease in Utirik

ierefore, the people with this Cisease have now


people of UtirikI.
been oroverly tr
Tne medical

team has be en

other Marshallese people.

studying diabetes

i people and

Though a study of this dis as2 vas not considered

a responsibility of the medi cal team since the disease is not related to
radiation exposure, it was c onsidered important to help the Trust Territory
with this disease which is such a serious problem in the Marshall Islands.
With regard to the use of Diabenase in the treatment of this disease Dr.

James Field, an

expert on diabetes from the University of Pittsburgh who

had been studying diabetes in the Marshall Islancs with the medical tean,
states that "there would be inherent risks in the use of the drug Diabenase
in treating diabetes on Utirik or other outer islends in the Marshalls since
long term medical supervision and laboratory tests are necessary to insure
its safe

and effective use."

danaged 2s a
“s+ The people of Utirik feel that their arrowroot hes b eon
At present the arrovrosct stelks neasure one
result of the radiation.
i five reate
foot, whereas before the radiation they measur

With regard to your comment about the reduced size of arrowroot plants
on Utirik, we can state that the results of studies of radiation effects on
plants would not support radiation exposure as being 2 responsible for a
reduction in size of arrowroot or of any other plants growing on Utirik Atoll.
Numerous studies of radiation on Utirik show the levels have been too low to
result in such effects.

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Select target paragraph3