

Would it be correct to say that we can exoect many more cases
problems in the future?


° thyroid


Ac this time it is impossible to predict whether more thyroid nodules
will develop in the Utirik population.

It is therefore of the greatest

detected early,


By having
regular medical exeminations, signs of thyroid cissese


importance that the regular medical examinations b2 continued in the future.

and prompt treatment will avoid unnecessary sufferin
ng on

Tha ~d)
part ofco the
Vhirik people,

_VWhy is there not a control group in Utirik?

a} The people of Utirik are different from the people of Rongelep-—they

are a different gene pool and breeding vonulatione
b) The people of Utirik were exposed to different levels of radiation


the people of Rongelap---Utirik had 1; rads, and Rongelap had 175 rads

In conducting the medical examinations on the Marsnallese,

e@ comparison

(control) group was selected so that the exposed and non-exposed people couid
be compared.

This comparison group was selected in 1958 from the

unexposed people of Rongelap.

A separate unexposed group of comparison

people from Utirik was not considered necessary since the Pongelap group
was considered adequate for comparison with both the peoples of Rongalap and


The slight genetic difference between the two exposed populations

and aif ferences in doses received were not considered sufficient reasons

to select a separate comparison group for Utirik.

qu 50) 685i

Select target paragraph3