
Upton, New York 11973

Medical Department


(516) 345- 3328

October 25, 1977

Mr. Ronald G. Bakal
Attorney at Law
8447 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 409
Beverly Hills, California 90211
Dear Mr. Bakal,
Your letter of October 19, 1977, to Dr. Conard, has been referred
to me.
The fact that your office “demands an explanation," the fact
that you appear to believe that your office must be notified of all
events relating to the medical surveys in the Marshall Islands, and
the fact that your letter was circulated to so many people, has made
Dr. Conard wonder if there is involved some legal obligation of which
he is ignorant.
I share his confusion.
I know of no contractual or no statutory
basis on which such a legal obligation could be founded.
It does seem to me that if you are interested in the reasons why
Utirik Atoll was not included in the recent quarterly medical survey,
that you question the Utirik Council.
It was the Council's notification to Dr. Conard that the services of Dr. Knudsen, the resident
physician, would not be welcome on Utirik that forced Dr. Knudsen to

bypass Utirik.

If your office were to ask Dr. Conard for his recollection of his
conversation with members of the Council, I am confident he would be
willing to oblige you.

N. Peter Rathvon, Jr.
General Council

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