Unic. . States Department of t 2 Interior
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JUN 191975
' Dear Mr. Secretary:
Recent developments have caused grave concerms as respects our
responsibilities toward the people of the Trust Territory of the
Pacific Islands, primarily those of Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap,
Utirik and Rongerik Atolls.
The cleanup of Bikini,-in anticipation of the eventual settlement,
was a joint effort among the Department of the Interior, Department
of Defense, Atomic Energy Commission and the Trust Territory of the
Pacific Islands, as set forth in the enclosed August 12, 1968,
instructions from President Johnson. As we were proceeding with the
construction program the Atomic Energy Commission, in November 1974,
informed us of some recent radiological findings that caused us to
stop the project.
We were told that a sophisticated follow-on
sutvey was highly desirable not cnly on Bikini but throughout the
various nuclear test areas.

To that end, Secretary Morton, in his

March 7, 1975, letter to you requested logistics support for the
Energy Research and Development Administration survey. Unfortunately,
in Mr. Clements! May 29, 1975 reply, the Department or Defense covld
not prcevide this unless $609,000 in costs could be reimbursed. The
Department of the Interior was unable to identify funds for this, nor
could ERKDA which was prepared to absorb all other related.costs from
monies already programmed. Consequently, we are deeply. concerned
that a quality radiological survey such as that ‘performed on Eneweta 1.
whose pecple will not be coming back for some time, cannot be made
available in a timely fashion for the Bikinians whose return is
To compound the situation, on June 11 the Marshallese chief, who
claims control over the atolls of Rongelap, Utirik and Rongerik, all
accidental fallout areas from the 1954 Bravo test on Bikini, visited
the Director of Territorial Affairs,

claiming loss of use and other

damage as a result of this event. He contends that the U-S.
- Government never presented the people with a briefing of any radio-

logical survey conducted nor to date has told his people that
'Rongerik is habitable.

It is clear that the U.S. Government has and will continue to have

for many years, a long-term responsibility for thorough monitoring of


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Save Energy and You Serve America!

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