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cases, 9 children and one adult were all found to have benign nodules, and

one 41 year-old woman had thyroid cancer.

of Deere S01. CoL

In September, 1966, several of us again carried out a thyroid examination
and detected no new nodules.

Four children (in whom nodules had been noted in

March, 1966, but who were not operated upon since treatment was considered to
have been inadequate) showed no enlargement and in most cases some degree of

regression of the nodules.

The association of deficient thyroid function with

growth retardation noted in children in the exposed group is strongly suggested
by the finding of definite hypothyroidism in 2 of the most retarded boys.


other children with thyroid nodules also showed suggestive evidence of hypofunctionof their glands.
Since September, 1965, the exposed people of Rongelap have been under
treatment with thyroid hormone.

Though the analysis of growth data in the

children is incomplete, it appears that the 2 boys showing most growth retardation have had a spurt in growth on this treatment.

The recent regression

of size of nodules in 4 children and disappearance of a nodule in one adultseems to indicate that we are getting favorable results from the thyroid
hormone treatment,

Select target paragraph3