A ariot


the Deo and.the AEC Have, agreed to provide $300,600 each in
-gascal year 1969 forthe cleanup. “ gotad AEC funding shall not exceed
$300,000 for the entire project and AEC funds shall not be ised 3°
pay costs which accrue subsequent to June 30, 1969, The DOD funds will
be available for obligations until June 30, 1969.

The DOD/AEC funds

($600,000) will be made available by the AEC to DASA (Nevada Operations

Office to corr-s) to provide the Project Manager with financial resources

to begin the task. ~ Approxinately half of this $600,000 is attributable
“to the cont of eliminating radiological contamination. | Existing DASAAzC (a1F-8) procedures will be utilized by the Project Manager in pro-

. .viding and accounting for these DOD/AEC funds for payment of the AEC
‘contractor, and to defray transportation, military travel, per diem, and

other associated costs attributable to the task and not inoluded under
payments to the contractor.


It is expected that the same procedures

will be followed in respect to the $700,000 expected to be forthcoming
in FY 70 from the Department of Interior,
8. The AEC contractor wilt provide planning, engineering and —
technical staff support and labor for cleanup as well as camp support

‘ operations and other tasks as determined by the Project Manager, Except
for natters pertaining to contract administration, CJTF-8 will exercise

‘operational control over the contractor.

Contract administration will .

be performed by theAECHonolulu area office,



6, ‘The AEC will be. responsible for determining that radiological
health and safety requirenents are net at the completion of this project.

These requirements, as developed in project plans, will be subject to
. ~ety






Select target paragraph3