


that with the exception of


coconut crabs from the northern islands of

the Rongelap Atoll, all foods can be eaten. Last night we all joined
together in a feast of coconut crabs that were caught on the southern

These crabs are delicious and you can eat one a day of those
caught in the southern part of the atoll. We have crabs which were
taken from the northern and southern parts of Rongelap which we will
take back for analysis. We hope that soon we will be able to lift the
ban entirely on eating coconut crabs.

Before answering specific questions posed by the Rongelap Fallout
Survivors Association, I would like to say that there are some misunderstandings which arise because we on the medical team are not familiar with
the customs of the people.
I hope that you will forgive us when we do
something that goes against the customs. We would appreciate being told
when we do this.
I would like now to take the questions up, one by one.
Some of them have already been answered in the discussion I have made prior
to this.

"We request that the children of the irradiated be included in
compensation that may be forthcoming from the A. E. C. We
request this because we know that damage done to our bodies
by the radiation may be passed on to our children through
This compensation for our children is of the
greatest concern to we people of Rongelap."

This auestion is not within our area of authority, and will be turned over
to the authorities as soon as possible.
Though I cannot speak for the
U. S. Government I feel sure that if any radiation-connected disability
shautd arise in anv of the children. which was inherited from exposed

parents, they would be given due compensation.

“We request that the United States hasten to complete their
arrangements with the Congress of Micronesia and be quick to
pay the money you owe us for having damaged our islands."

This question is also out of the realm of our authority and will be

‘passed on to the proper authorities.


“We request that the A. E. C. and the B. N. L. team pay the same
respect to the people of Rongelap that the people pay to then.
We submit that one way to do this would be to fulfill all of
our requests with great haste."

We will pass these requests on to the proper authorities as soon as

“We request that the B. N. L. team serve rice, bread, and meat
at the time of the examinations instead of the proposed cookies
and coffee. We request this food because the examinations and
the presence of the B. N. L. team interfere with our food
gathering, and food preparation to the point of halting them

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