transparent brown stains against the sky at sampling time,


transparent cloud was almost impossible to see without the aid of
the special brown glasses or helmet visors, which were invaluable
in keeping the target in sight.

The cloud separated into three layers before plus 1 hour; a
very puny layer at 21,000 feet; a middle layer at 19,000 to 20,000
feet which seemed to contain the majority of visible bomb material,

although quite thin; and a lower layer at 16,000 feet which was very
thin and wide spread and quite difficult to see at all,

It was found

that all of these thin pieces of cloud could be seen best by breaking.

off about 20 miles and then flying straight in watching radiation
instruments to pick out the activity, as the clouds almost disappeared

to the eye, when approached closely or penetrated,
Red One was brought out a little early, because of the meagre
appearance of the cloud, and at plus 38 minutes was put in the top;
Red Two at plus 70 minutes was put in the middle; White Flight at
plus 84 minutes was put in the bottom; Blue Flight at plus 91 minutes
was put in the middle; and Cassidy at plus 108 minutes was put in the

In line with visual appearance, the top cloud was somewhat low

in radiation readings, the middle about normal and the bottom very low.

Decay of the top between Red Two readings and Cassidy readings

(70 and

108 minutes) was over 50%,
The special penetration by Cassidy was an experiment to check


cross contamination effects if two separate samples were to be gathered

with one aircraft.

One sampler pod was, opened in the cloud and the


Select target paragraph3