With regard to the forces to be maintained in a standby
status, the appropriate members of the MLC stated that the Air
Force component would maintain an experienced nucleus of approxi-

mately 50% present strength; that the Navy component would drop to
&@ small nucleus of staff officers, from which it would be neces -

sary to build up anew for a spring test; and that the Army component would retain adequate forces in a standby status for the

spring test.

|General Fields cautioned
again that this latter test is only a possibility and definitely
not a probability,

It was noted that the Executive Agency should be advised to
plan for a test in the spring of 1954 and to maintain an emergency capability for a test in the fall of 1953.

Mr. Dean and Mr. Boyer stated that a letter to the DOD

making a formal recommendation for the postpenement of CASTLE
‘is forthcoming and that it will request that ‘the DOD provide tor
& possible move-up of the date of the test.








Select target paragraph3