other for the AEC contractors, were stipulated.

This requirement

would entail, for effective operations, an estimated minimum of about

sixty small craft, both amphibious and yard types. Further, and ISD .
would be necessary to serve as a mother ship for the task force boat

pool and as a maintenance point for the AEC contractor boat real.


was anticipated that three 15T's were needed, one for logistical support

of the outlying weather stations and two for use as floating machine
shops in service at the shot islands during the congtruction phases.
Suitable auxiliary barges for fuel and water storage in support of reentry were also contemplated.

Since the responsibility for the general

security of the Fniwetok Danger Area lay with CINCFAC, it was anticipated
that that command would provide the adequate security forces, “oth
air and surface.

In aidition to these elements, two PRM=5A aircraft

were needed for logistical support of the outlying weather stations

and for the collection of water samples at outer atolls after the deton-



This then, is a ‘eneral su mary of ecrly thinking 1 -sofar as the
Navy's mission in Operation IVY was concerned.

Out of this canlex

of requirements anticipated by CJTF 132, various operating elements

and responsibilit’es would devel :p, an unde“ermined part of which
weuld ultimately come under the operational or administrative control

of CTC 132.3.
In his report, the SJTF 132

pointed out that due to the short


time remaining before actual operations and due to the manpower and
equipment drain occassioned by the Korean action, it was advantageous


Ibid., page 23.



Select target paragraph3