oureying 2 10Ms,,8 Lvs, end 2 1L6°1.

Personnel of both the Task Group Poat

rool ard "ygeruater Detection Units were carried in the OAK HILI for transfer
to PhibTravac.

Transfer of craft and personnel was to be accomplished at San

Diag, acter arrival of OAK HILI on or about 16 December 1952.
The ESTES departed Sniwatok on 19 November but remained under tha operatioial control of Conmander Task Croup 132.3 until she arrived at San Diego,
salifornia, on 6 December 1952.

After arrival, operational control was returned

to Cormander Amphibicus Force, Fecifice Fleet (ComPhibPae).

The USS LST-836 was reportod to Commander Hawaiian Sea Frontier on 19
november for movement control in cennestion with a voyage to roll-up weather

stations and lift material and oquipment to Hickam Air Fores Base, T. He
Cperation21 control was retained ty ComTaskGroup 132.3,

This vessel departed

Cnivetok on 21 Novembar and made atops at Ponape, Kusaie and Majure, enroute

vo Taweii, Arrival wes rede on 10 Pnconber and after unloading at Hickam AFR,
we vegsel wag released from the Task “Group to ComPhibFuc om aame date.
PATACN TWO was roleased on 19 November 1952 to ComAirPac at Kwajalein

and redeployment was sontrelled by that ecmmand.

Tha PBM dotechnant's

overatiozal control wag shifted fren Conmarler Task Group 132.3 to Commander
naval Station, Kwajalein on 20 Noverber i952.

Tha USS OAK HILL's movement completed redeployment of all ships and wits
cf Tesk Croup 132.5.

The OAK HILL was release on arrival at San Diego,

California, 16 Deconber, returning & GomPhibPac, pending eventual return to
tha itlentic Fleet. BEST AVAILASLE COPY

As of 16 Decermksr 1952 all units hac teen released from the Task Group
ard roturned to the cperational conw) of their-type commanders.

Select target paragraph3