
Transfer of 1 ICU to Holmes and Narver.


Return boat Pool equipment to Naval Amphibious Rase,

Coronado, San Diego, California.

g- Return boat pool spare parts stock to Naval Amphibious Base,
Coronado, California, for rework and filling of allowances prior to next deployment.
Tha above disposition of the boat pool will leave the following boats to

bs retained at Coronado under Commander Amphibious Training Command, Pacific,
‘or maintenance pending the next deployment: 1 MIB, 3 ISPI, 4 7GW, and 13 LoM,
The foregoing boets were lifted as follows:

(a) Via USS OAK RILL (departed Enivetok 26 November) .-3 LCU, 3 ICM,
2 LOPL, and 1 MB.

(bo) Via USS COMSTOCK (departed Fniwetok 1 December) ~ 2 Wc, 8 LOM,



The Undervater Detection Unit installation on Eniwetok was left in a caretaker status.

This included storage of shore end components ami spares in

dehumidified signal corps storage on Eniwotok and leaving underwater components
in place.

The UDU porsonnel will remain as a unit for CASTLE at Naval Amphib-

ious Base, Coronado, California.

Commmications equipment placed eboerd ships of the Navy Task Group by the
Bureau of Ships at the request of CJTF 132 will, if in excess of allowance, and
not authorized for retention on board, be removed and disposed of as directed
by the Bureau of Ships or other proper authority.


Certain units of Task Group 132.3 were released to their type commanders

“at the forward area, and Commander Hawaiian Sea Frontier issued movement orders


Select target paragraph3