(The Task Group Commander has submitted the £484,00 to Commander Service Force,
Pacific Fleet, for the Tacific Fleet Reereation Fund.

While this is normal

procedure in closing out a Fleet Recreation Facility it could serve as a move
toward obtaining assistance from the Fleet Fumd in reestablishing a Task Group

Recreation Facility in any subsequent operations.

An allotment of #2,090,00

was obtained from the Mureau of Personne] through ComServPac.

Of this allot-

mont only a net of “589.02 was actually expended, )



Prior to MIKF Event, Radiological Vhysical "xaminations were completed on

a total of 1134 personnel of Task Group 132.3.

This vas approximately 20%

of the total personnel, but included all who were likely to receive expesure:
all helicopter and plane pilots, and all personnel who might be required on
topside of ships likely to encounter fall-out,
No persennel of the Task Group reccived a dose of radiation greater than

3 Reentgens, the maximum permissable dose for Opsration IVY.
On th: whole the Task Group 132.3 personnel enjoyed excellent health
during Operat:on IVY.

Small ships without medical or dental officers were able

to obtain required assistance from the larger s irs carrying medical and

dental officers. BEST AVAILABLE COPY

Medical assistance was rendered the Task Group by the Army Hospital (Task

Group 132.2) at Fnivetok.

During the period from 1 July to 21 November 1952,

Task Group 132.3 personnel aceounted for 200 sick days in that hospital.


were 5 in July, 34 in August, 83 in September, 63 in Cotober and 15 in November.
In a dition there were 213 sick call visits by naval personnel of Task Sroup



Select target paragraph3