The return of the officers of the Task Group Commander's Staff to Washing-~
ton wae effected by termination of their orders to temporary duty in the flag-

ship. Authority vas requested and obtained fror the Burcau of Naval Personnel
(Burers) to transfer elaven (11) enlisted personnél of the Flag Allowance to the
Naval Receiving Station, Washington, D. C., for duty with ComTaskGroup 132,3.


In this conneation, permission wag requested to transfer personnel accounting

from Comrandsr Service Forea, Facific Fleet (ComServPxo) to Potemac River Naval

Command (PRC). However, the PuPors authority for transfer of the enlisted
personnel above specified that they would be carried under the allowance of
Headquarters JTF 132, thus transfer of the enlistad ascoumting is not required,
Pour men of the Flag Allowance requested assignment to the RENDOVA and the
transf-r was made on ep-rowml by ComServPac.

One man was transferred to the

aval Detachment Garrison Force, “nivetok, prior leaving the Forward Area.
The remaining 28 personnel of tha Flaz Allowance were made avallnble to


owever at the sug7es'ion of ComSerwPac, eight (8) of these were

transferred to the Task Group 132.3 "oat Pool in the interests of retaining

cleared personnel for CASTIE. This left a total of twenty (20) to ComServPac
for transfer to other duty, BEST AVAILABLE COPY
Of the Boat Pool personnel, twenty (20) men wera transferred to the Naval
Detachment, Eniwetok Garrison Force, prior departure from the Forward Area.

On 12 November a dispatch (ComTask“roup 132.3 DMG 1122182) recoumendation was
made to Chief of Naval Operations (CpNav) that the Boat Pool be retained as a
unit for CASTL™.

OpNav approved this recommendation 21 Noverber by dispatch

DTG 2020452 of NOV, and the Amphi'iousTraining Command (PhibTraPac) was





Select target paragraph3