previous instructions in CTG 132.3 OpTlan 1-52.

(b) Utilized surface lift to the maximm practicable extent
consistent with CinCPacFlt future deploynent dates.

(c) Promptly released personnel no longer required.

In this

connection 49 personnel of Fatrol Squadron THO were returned utilising
available surface lift, 7 daya prior te release of the Squadron £6 ConAirPac operational control.



(d) Originated request for special air lift of 181 Patrol Squadron

TdO personnel plus 11,800 pounds bazgage and 7,500 pounds critical. squadron
allovances.- This was necessry because of early redeployment of the squadron
and followéd ComAirPac policy to air lift squadron personnel required to
support a regular squadron movement.

This lift was handled by naval aircraft

of Fleet Jogistics Air Wings and did not effaéct JTF 132 airlift space allocations.

(e) Arranged for flight via Naval ROD aircraft of 2 officers and 2
men plus 6,009 pounds of STS 132.3 Staff office files and equipment from
Neval Air Station, San Diego to Washinzton, D. C. on 5 December,
(t) Coordinated disposition of Patrol Squadron TWO equipment and
spares to insure that instruction received for ail items (about 40 neasure-

nent tens from "niwetok and 670 measurement tons fron Kwajalein) to be returned
to continental United States in Hoyener and December.



As of 1 November, 532 Arc "Q" Clearances had been requested by Commander

Task Group 132.3.

Of these requests 451 had been granted and 38 cancelled,


leaving a total of 43 pending.

By 16 December 1952, it 1s expected that


Select target paragraph3