Flag Allotment grarted by BuShips - On 3 November the Bureau off Ships

(BuShips) designated the USS RENDOVA (CVE-114) as the accounting activity
for CIG 132.3 flag allotment.

This action was the result of C76 132.3 ltr

Ser 298 of 21 September which requested that allotment aocounting be per=
formed by the flagship instead of Headquarters Joint Task Force 132.


situation arose over BuShips confusing the Navy Tels! Group Staff with the
Headquarters Staff of the Joint Task Force.

Because of unforseenrequirements for maintenance materials it wis
necessary to request ah allotment augmentatian of %200.00 on 10 November

(CTc 132.3 DTS 0922012). These additional funds were granted by Comander

Service Foros, Pacific Fleet (Can servPao) by MSG DT? 1223822.
In view of the prospects for early redeployment of the Staff afloat for

the next operation it was decided to retain the BuShips Alotnent for the
balance of fiscal year 1953.

Accordingly, CTG 132.3 ltr ser:

544 of 13

November to BuShips requested that the administration of the flag allotment

be shifted to the U. 3, Naval Gun Factory, Washington, D. C. effective 1

December 1952.


Allotments of JTF 132 Funds

- In view of the policy of "no special

airlift" for units of CJTF 132 at the conclusion of IVY as set forth in CJIF
132 OpOrder 3-52, it was necessary to request allotment augmentations for
travel and transportation of exeess baggage as follows (CTG 132.3 ltr ser:

0556 of 14 November):



Select target paragraph3