The major effort of the Navy. Task froup support was required in the

complete ‘evacuation of the Atoll for MIKF. Event.

Su: port of Scientific

Projects for the KING Event wore considerably less then required for the

MIKE Event.

Security of the nLsetok Danzer Area, however, was paramount

in both MIKE and YING Bvents.

Qn completion of MIKE Event, its asscoiated Scientific "rojects and the

reentry of the evacuees, certain ships vere no longer required and were re-

ported to their normal commanders as ready for rélease from the Task Group.

The first ship released was the USS ELDER (AN-20), to Commander Service
Force, Pacific Fleet (ComServPas) by dispatch (CIT? 132 a40615z2 of Noverbor)._

The FLDER aaparted Pniwetok on 8 November 1952.
The USS ARIKARA (amF-98)was roleased on & November and departed Eniwetok
in gompany with the FIDER. The USS YUMA (ATF-94) was released and departed

the same day. Both these vessels were returned to CemServPac.

The USNS DAVID C. SHANKS (TAT-180) vas reported ready for release on 8
November but release’was delayed due to Court of Inquiry proceedings involving
some of her personnel.

The SHANKS fina: ly was released to Commander, Military

Sea Transportation Service, Facific (ComMSTSPac) and departed from the Eniwetok
area on 11 Novenber.


The foregoing constituted all the releases prior KING Event.


planning was continued toward release of any ship or ur it on ‘completion of its

mission, CJTF 132 by dispatch (CITF 132 CITE 1139 D7 1003542 of November)
announced release’ ‘dates for palnning purposes of major units.‘as follows:

USS ESTES (AGC-12) ~ K plus 3



Select target paragraph3