the search asuisted by a patrol plane and searched the area thoroughly
with negative results,


"Doubtful submarine?/

As KING Day approached, security patrols, both air and sur‘ace vere -

intensified as for the MIKE Event.

The surface patrol was increased

from 2 to 3 DD™s on K minus 3 and from 3 to Z DDFs on K minus 2.


patrol was increased from 1 to 2 planes (with over-lapping sch-dule )
on K minus 4.

Additional ratrols vere require? in the significant

sector out to 550 miles on F and K minus 1, Tecausb of the two de~
lays in XING shot, threc p?tro?s were flown.

The sector on KING

minus 1 was on a tearing of 260° (T) from “niwetok.
On--first postponement of KING “vent, announced as for 42 hours,
security patrols reverted to status as of K minus 2.

Howver on the

second postponement of K Day, the air patrol was reduced to one plane
and the surface patrol was reducad from 3 DD"s to 2 ND™s, until the
general movement to sea on the morning of KING Day.
The air search planes were landed at “niwetok before H Hour.


paanes were in the air on Scientific Troject 9.2.

Two DDEs performed escort duty for the main body (Task Element

132.31) during H Hour, a third was on plane suard duty with the
RENDOVA while the fourth (the USS O'BANNON) was on station as control
vessel for Task troup 132.4 plane refueling station between Fnivetok
and Kwajaicin.
Air search, using a one plane patrol basing at Kwajalein, was
resumed on KX plus 1 and continued until 0800 on K plus 2 day, after


Select target paragraph3