



Agencies should not rely solely on the fact of

Federal Reqister publication by the Council, but

should consider adopting such practices as publication in local newspapers ard automatic notifi-

cation of (and possible, automatic distribution of
statements to)
organizations and individuals that
the agency knows are likely to be interested in
the project.
Recommendation #7:
Agencies should ensure
that the minimum periods for review and
advance availability of statements are
calculated from the date of receipt of the
statement by the Council on Environmental
Quality, as noted in the Council's Federal
Register.and _ J02 Menitor announcements... So ,

z=. Agencies~‘should &Yse-devise“appropriste.

tion in local newspavers or by maintaining
a list of groups known to be interested in
the agency's activities and directly notifying such groups of the existence of a
draft statement, or sending them a copy,
as soonas it has been prepared.







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“Actions Which Tnavolve |More. than:“One“Ngeneyo~e

Some confusion has arisen in applying the “lead
agency" concept to actions involving more than
one agency.
Section 5(b) of the CEQ Guidelines

provides that the lead agency is "the Federal
agency which has primary authority for committing
the Federal Government to a course of action with
significant environmental impact."

This descrip-

tion of “lead agency" was not meant to foreclose
the possibility of having a statement prepared
jointly by all agencies involved in the program

or project.

The critical consideration is that


the cumulative impacts of the entire project be
evaluated, even though each individual agency's


Select target paragraph3